Friday, June 21, 2013

one-month check-up

I’ve been summer-ing for a little over a month. I’ve been blogging for almost exactly one month. That’s a third of my summer. Yeesh. To keep perspective… time for a check-in with the goals, yay!

Shadow ESL classes at the community college
Check. I've been pretty consistent, and only skipped two days (one for being out of town, the other because I almost-fainted twice before breakfast and thought driving would be stupid).
Gain the professor's respect enough that she lets me do something useful in class by the end of the semester
Yep! Well, two of the profs anyway. And I'm tutoring four students now, which is awesome.
Learn more about community college life by picking up "Community" as my summer bad habit of choice
Just kidding. This hasn't happened, and I don't think it will. I discovered 'Sherlock' instead, which is AWESOME and RIDICULOUS and POST COMING SOON.
Find a job that pays money
Negative. Every time I apply somewhere, they're like, 'Oh, you're leaving in 2.5 months? Sucks to suck.' (I'm sorry. I'm beginning to sound bitter. I'm not, really, just sad. But now that we are down to 2 months left, I have resigned myself to unemployment and will no longer spend hours scouring Craigslist for job openings. I will instead spend that time tutoring wonderful international students in the most frustrating language on the planet, i.e. English.)
Take that job
Do not spend the money on frivolous things
To my sister's dismay, this one's a success.
Read books edifying to my intellect
  • Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh 
  • Spirit of the Liturgy, Joseph Ratzinger 
  • 1984, George Orwell 
  • Story of a Soul, Therese of Lisieux
  • Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens 
  • The Cost of Discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  • Wives and Daughters, Elizabeth Gaskell
  • Every Good Endeavor, Tim Keller
  • Lolita, Nabokov
  • Various poems by Державин, Ломоносов, & Пушкин
Read books not quite so edifying to my intellect
A few. None on my list except a few Twain short stories.
Write some sort of reflection on my experiential and/or book learning at least once a week
Not just once, but twice a week! aha! ...Can I get double points on this one?
Take three consecutive internet-free hours every day, exclusive of the hours when I'm working
Unfortunately, I have not been consistent with this one. I have limited the number of times I check Facebook per day, and I've stopped using the internet while I'm working. heh.
Write a libretto for Braeden's oratorio of The Great Divorce
Good progress. I'm pleased. Tomorrow we start Chapter 9, and I get to subject him to all of my George MacDonald fangirling. :D :D :D :D :D
Sew myself an elf cloak
Have pattern. Have main fabric. Have plans to embroider (another hobby I've picked up recently). Need lining fabric. Need to locate sewing machine.

Thanks to y'all for sticking with me. On the list of things-to-do-this-month, I am book-clubbing Brideshead Revisited and Lolita with Molly, as well as Biblical Womanhood: How a liberated woman found herself sitting on her roof, covering her head, and calling her husband 'Master' with KMax. I'm excited.
I have also resolved to keep my room clean, eat more vegetables, drive no more than 5 miles over the speed limit, and play nice with my sister. Standard.

If I can tack on one extra thing... I would appreciate prayers. I have found that I have a terrible time motivating myself to, you know, do things, when I'm home, not knowing anyone around, and not working full time. These 'things' include everything from reading (haven't really read anything for about 2 weeks) to praying (which has gone better than reading, but not by a lot).
I guess part of me is so afraid of doing something and finding out I've been wasting my time all along, that instead I do nothing at all. That way I know I'm wasting time from the start, which somehow makes it easier. I think Andrew calls this ennui. I call it inertia. It's annoying. I'm not used to it and I don't like it.

BONUS just because:

(They're like a cross between A Fine Frenzy and Lisbeth Scott... really good.)

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